How To Refund and or Void a Transaction

This article will teach you how to process a void or a refund in the back office. 

Things to Note:

  • Depending on the bank, the refund may take 7-10 business days to appear on the customer's statement.

  • Chewzie and Stripe fees will not be reversed since the transaction was still processed. You can download the void audit report or reconciliation report from the back office to see the refunds or voids that were processed.
  • Transactions, including voids and refunds, are processed by Chewzie in Stripe. Performing refunds/voids in the POS does not flow back to Chewzie, regardless of mappings in the integration or Chewzie, which means that customer will not get their payment back and Chewzie will not have any record of that transaction. This would result in a balancing issue in the end-of-day reports. It is recommended to process refunds/voids in the back office.
  • The mappings are to allow refunds/voids performed in Chewzie to flow through to the POS to be recorded and allow things to balance correctly in your point of sale.
  • Once a refund/void is submitted (i.e. you wanted to process a refund instead), it CANNOT be reversed as the money was sent back to the customer and Chewzie is unable to reclaim it.
  • Loyalty points used as a payment for a transaction will be automatically put back if the sale has been voided or refunded.


Refunds can now be performed in two ways: a payment refund ($ value) or an item refund. A refund will not reduce the revenue in your reports.


Payment Refunds

Step 1.

Log in to the Chewzie back office and click on 'Sales and Operations'.

Step 2.

Click on 'Sales Journal'.

Step 3.

Find the sale you wish to void /refund. You can also search for the 'Invoice No.', ' Date' and ' More' as shown below.

Step 4.

Click on the 'Invoice No.' to view the sale.

Step 5.

Under 'Payments', click on the 'Payment Refund' button.

Step 6.

Type in the amount that you wish to refund, then click 'Process Refund'.

The refunded amount will reflect below the original sale transaction as a separate line.

Item Refunds

An item refund is for each sale item in the sale, either all items or selected items can be refunded. 

Step 1.

Once the transaction has been located (following Steps 1-4 above), click on the refund icon against the item you want to refund. 

Step 2.

Click the 'Process Refund' button on the item refund pop-up.

Step 3.

Confirm the refund quantity is displayed against the sale item.

Note: Multiple item quantities can be refunded at a time. Only one sale item line can be refunded at a time. 


void will refund the entire transaction back to the customer, which will then reduce your revenue in your reports. 

Step 1.

On the same window where the Sale information is located, click the 'Action Button' then click ' Void Sale'.

Step 2.

Click 'OK' to complete voiding the sale and the amount will be refunded.