How to Generate Sales Figures

This article will show you where to get your sales figures from the Chewzie back office

With Chewzie, each sale is recorded in real-time and is able to be reported on via the Chewzie back office link. To view a summary total for all payments processed through Chewzie, we use the Sales by Payment Type Summary Report. These steps will apply for both Computer, Tablet and Mobile Phone. The steps are all identical, but the screens may differ slightly to accommodate the different form factor of the device.


Step 1. From the Chewzie back office, go to 'Reporting', then click 'Sales Report', then select 'Sales By Payment Type'.

4. Select the relevant reporting period (e.g today, or yesterday) under Date Range.

5. Click 'Request Report', and wait for the PDF File to download. Once the file is available, you can open the file to view the report.

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