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How to create common schedules

Common schedules can be created in advance to be referred in other entity schedules like mix and match, specials, surcharges, non-standard hours, price levels, app promos, deals.

To create a common schedule 

  1. Login to chewzie back office, navigate to Settings -> Common Schedules
  2. Enter valid name, overall schedule date and time for start and finish of the schedule.
    Note: Overall Schedule date/time range is optional, and applies to the entire schedule.
  3. Schedule can be further refined by adding rules under active periods and/or inactive periods. The rules defined under active period enables the schedule to be active when all the rules are true and the schedule is inactive for the period defined under inactive periods when all the rules are true.
  4. Overall schedule date and time range is optional and applies to entire schedule when configured.
  5. Active and inactive periods support multiple options to refine the schedule.
  6. Click on 'Add period' option under 'Active Periods'.
  7. Click on 'Options' under active period 

    1. Select required option from the list and set the rules accordingly

    2. Time Zones: This option allows to filter the active period rules to be applicable to only stores with identical time zone configured.
    3. Stores/Terminals: This option allows to filter the stores where common schedule would be active
    4. Exclude Store/Terminals: This option allows to the exclude store where the active period/common schedule is not active
    5. Single Date: This is used when the common schedule is active for a single day
    6. Date Range: This options allows to set a start and finish date for the common schedule.
    7. Date/Time Range: This options allows to set both start and finish date and time range for the common schedule to be active.
    8. Days of Week: This options allows the schedule to be active on certain days of the week each week.
    9. Months: This options allows the schedule to be active only on certain months of the year.
    10.  Day of Month Range: This option allows the schedule to be active only on certain days of a month.
    11. Common Schedules: This option allows referring to other common schedules with options to either the schedule to be active or inactive.

Note: Inactive periods can be configured similar to active periods but the schedule will be inactive when the rules under inactive period are satisfied.
7. Save the common schedule. 

8. Multiple active and inactive periods can be configured for a single common schedule and the schedule will be active if any of the period rules are satisfied.