Disable price and name updates from the POS sync for specific products. This is useful for menu specials.
Sometimes it is useful to suppress updates from the POS for specific items, while allowing other items to continue to update on the nightly schedule. A typical use case for this is daily menu specials where the item name and price are updated regularly, but the product PLU remains the same on the POS, e.g. The POS may have a product of "Soup of the Day", but the menu might be updated to show "Pumpkin Soup".
In the Chewzie Back Office navigate to Web Ordering > Menus and select your menu.
In the menu category, select the column selection and choose "Updates from POS" to show the column.
By default, all items are enabled to receive POS updates. Untick the items that you do not want to be updated from POS. Save the menu for the changes to take effect.
Note: Once the "Updates from POS" has been disabled, you will need to manually manage price changes since price updates will no longer come from the POS.